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The Haven

Swedish massage therapy is the modality that comes to mind when most people think about massage. As the best-known type of bodywork performed today, one of the primary goals of the Swedish massage technique is to relax the entire body. This is accomplished by rubbing the muscles with long gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart. But Swedish massage therapy goes beyond relaxation. Swedish massage is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension.

Deep tissue massage therapy is similar to Swedish massage, but the deeper pressure is beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia (the protective layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints).


Swedish Massage  

Hot Stone Massage  

Hot stone massage therapy melts away tension, eases muscle stiffness and increases circulation and metabolism. Each hot stone massage therapy session promotes deeper muscle relaxation through the placement of smooth, water-heated stones at key points on the body.

The premise behind hot stone massage therapy is that the direct heat of the stones relaxes muscles, allowing the therapist access to their deeper muscle layers. Combining hot stone protocols with a full body massage provides a very healing and effective experience. The hot stones also expand blood vessels, which encourages blood flow throughout the body. The hot stones have a sedative effect that can relieve chronic pain, reduce stress and promote deep relaxation.

Warm Bamboo Massage  

Heated bamboo massage is a technique for anyone wanting a relaxing and luxurious spa massage or for anyone who needs some serious deep-tissue bodywork for overworked and injured muscles. Throughout the massage, the therapist will use several different warmed pieces of compressed bamboo to work the tension out of each muscle. Long fluid strokes in different styles like Swedish, deep tissue, lymphatic drainage, or neuromuscular therapy are used to stretch and compress the muscle and tissue

What are some of the benefits of Heated Bamboo Massage?

Indian Head Massage  

Indian Head Massage  has been practiced in India for over a thousand years but was restricted to the head and hair for many years and now because of the benefits it now encompasses the neck, shoulders and upper arms.  Indian Head massage is a safe, simple yet very effective therapy that not only promotes hair growth, but also provides relief from aches and pains.

Indian Head Massage involves massage and acupressure techniques manipulating the soft tissues on the upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face.  The effect is not just physical: it works on an emotional level too, calming the mind, promoting relaxation and relieving stress.

Benefits of Indian Head Massage?

    Increased blood supply to scalp, head and neck, bringing fresh oxygen and nutrients to encourage healing.

    Aids joint mobility and flexibility in the neck and shoulders.

    Reduces or prevent adhesions as traumatised muscle tissue heals.

    Relieves muscular pain, stiffness and tension by relaxing the muscles and removing toxins in the face, scalp, neck, upper back, shoulders and arms.

    Improves muscle tone.

    Relieves mental fatigue.

    Stimulates and improves the circulatory system.

    Relieves eyestrain, tension headaches, nasal congestion and jaw-ache.

    Strengthens the immune system.

    Aids greater creativity, clarity of thought, Increased alertness and improves concentration.

    Aids insomnia and gives a more restful, refreshing sleep.

        Increased energy levels

Thai Foot Massage  

Thai Foot Massage is a massage of the lower legs and feet that is well established in Thailand with influence from Japan, Korea and China. It involves hands-on stretching and massage, along with the use of a stick to stimulate the reflex points.

The Benefits of Thai Foot Massage

Reflexology Massage  

Foot Reflexology massage can be a deeply relaxing and therapeutic modality for those suffering from plantar fasciitis, ankle injuries or even everyday work and play. At Massage Envy, your massage therapist will apply traditional Swedish and sports massage techniques to the foot, calf and upper leg. This will not only help relieve toe pain, ankle pain, plantar fasciitis and common forms of arthritis, but can also decrease stress and anxiety in the entire body. In addition, a variety of stretches can be beneficial. With pain and sensitivity in the foot, heel and calf areas, be sure to communicate your pain levels with your massage therapist during your treatment. It is also a good idea to rest after receiving the reflexology massage.

If you enjoy the therapeutic benefits of foot Reflexology massage, you should know that the benefits are compounded when utilized as a frequent therapy. The more you go, the healthier you feel.

Pregnancy Massage  

Massage therapy during pregnancy is a wonderful complementary choice for prenatal care. It is a healthy way to reduce stress and promote overall wellness. Massage relieves many of the normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy, such as backaches, stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches and swelling

In addition, massage for pregnant women reduces stress on weight-bearing joints, encourages blood and lymph circulation, helps to relax nervous tension -- which aids in better sleep -- and can help relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes.

Massage for pregnant women offers a number of benefits, and it's always a good idea to discuss with your therapist any everyday symptoms you'd like to see relieved. Those might include:

Baby Massage